There is two types of this small buffalo; Lowland Anoa (Bubalus Depressicornis) and Mountain Anoa (Bubalus Quarlesy). Both of them have been classified as endangered species by the Indonesian Government since 1961 but, the populations are decreasing continuosly. Anoa hunted oftenly by human because of their meat, skin and horns. The Anoa's horns believed has a saviour.
Since many still unknown from this species, the experts still unsure about Anoa completely. About their sex life and territorial. Males have been seen marking the trees in jungle with their horns and scratching the soil after urinate. But, no one sure for what they doing like this, for their territories or for the females.
With their mistery life and their hight, it is very difficult to see the Anoa in the wild. Almost like the dwarf.
See for more complete information :
A good posting and reading on Nature and Animal. I loved the lines:
But, no one sure for what they doing like this, for their territories or for the females.
We have to learn many lessons of life from our animals and nature there. May long live this rare species, "The Dwarf Buffalo".
maybe suloch is right...the "rarely" knowledge about this species make it rare...
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