Fishes under Raja Ampat

Based on Conversation International in 2002, Raja Ampat recorded as the richest biodiversity in the world. The information on its marine ecosystems, mangrove and forest collected incredible information. 573 of corals species or 75% known corals in the world. 899 of fish species. Thousands of sea turtles. In the land found lush forests, rare plants and limestones in this area.
Corals Under Raja Ampat

Other information:
1. Government official site
2. Welcome to Raja Ampat
3. Liveboard Diving
4. Raja Ampat Islands
5. Raja Ampat Tour
Nice pics and post. Raja Ampat Islands is known as the the epicenter of the bio-diversity. It is very famous and called the heart of the world’s coral reef biodiversity. The meaning of Raja Ampat means four kings.
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